Well its official...

Rochfort's worse than Milady. I mean for a while you couldn't help but wonder who was going to turn out to be the more evil. After all there both mass murderers, there both clearly insane, there both sociopaths.

But this episode defiantly showed by him trying to rape Anne then deciding to send her to her death after a whole season of declaring he loved her, all casue she said no that while she may not be any less morally bankrupt as him, he's capable of the worst.

Rochfort is an unstable, sadistic lunatic and now he's stopped hiding it. This should be good.


You know what - I'm a little tired of these mental health labels being thrown around as if they sum up the characters. Or even throwing such labels around anyway.

Rochefort clearly lost contact with reality a long time ago, but it's well past time we stopped labelling people by a name associated with phases of the moon (lunatic) and then diagnosis by wiki, and giving a label that not even the people trained in this area can agree about.


Well I grant it isn't an outright definite psychological conclusion, but whether or not you like it, words such as lunatic have been used to describe the insane for so long, there just part of the natural English language.

And while its obviously not confirmed Rochefort does match all the except criteria to be classed as having ant-social disorder.


Oh for God's sakes, lighten up. It' fiction.

Your fugitive's name is Dr. Richard Kimble. Go get him.


Rich effort is a sociopath and psychopath anyway you slice it.


To me his craziest moment was when he left the King's suite, wearing the minister's ring and holding his hand up so that the others can see it. I loved how Aramis was giving him a deadly look, and also Athos' blank face was priceless, no expression... nothing.

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." ~Albert Einstein


Yeah I agree, that was a good moment.
