MovieChat Forums > Mixology Discussion > Ron and Liv still have a chance? Ron and Liv still have a chance?

Because frankly, I'm only watching the show for those two. It seems that the writers keep putting them together at the end of each episode, except this most recent one, Liv & Jim. Anyone have any scoop on this?


I hope not. Liv showed what a true cheating bitch she was in the last epidode. She is engaged to a great guy like Jim then she goes crazy in the club by jumping on a guys lap and starts making out. That is pure trashy behavior. She will end up alone like she should.

Ron is no better. Any guy who sends a picture of his dick to a girl is not all there especially in the dick area.


Jim was a dishonest, control freak and not even close to "a great guy".

Dishonest as he had a lifetime of excuses lined up to stop her from doing the one thing in life she always wanted to go - go to India. Control freak for the same reason.


I bet Ron and Liv will be together when the season ends.


How long does "deebs" last?


Yeah...after last night's episode its looking more and more certain. I think they're kinda perfect together, especially after last night's episode. They're both looking to start over in life.


In fact, I'm beginning to think the writers are going to have all the "original couples" get together. Meaning, whoever got together in the beginning few episodes will probably end up together.


Well, for Liv and Ron fans that sucked. However, it was probably exactly what needed to happen for both of them. Ron's probably going to prison, and Liv needed to find herself.


I understand that she needed some time to find herself and it would be weird if they went to India like that but it would be nice for her to say something like "i'll call you when i get back". I don't even think they have each other's numbers, she just left.


I just kept thinking, didn't he pay for that whole trip? And then she just ditched him...?
