MovieChat Forums > Sharknado (2013) Discussion > What do you think of this shark story?

What do you think of this shark story?

Once there was a mad scientist who loved Great White Sharks so much! But he knew that they were second best to the Orca Whales. They would regularly hunt and kill Great whites.

So he used his mad scientist skills to find as much Great Whites as he could and attached lasers to their left eyes. He taught them how to use and hunt with the lasers.

Eventually the Sharks knew that they were a match for Orcas. They started hunting them. They ended up killing all the Orca Whales in the world!

The humans caught wind of this and didn't like it! They went to go fight the Sharks too!

The humans hunted them using submarines and battleships. The sharks turned their lasers to the human's technology. It punched holes in their subs and ships using the lasers. They sunk all their ships

The humans started using atomic bombs on the sharks. The humans managed to kill off some of the Great Whites. But eventually the Sharks caught on again. And started shooting down the nuclear missiles being used on them. The humans started to retreat and flee.

Then aliens in the sky saw how dangerous the great white sharks were becoming. The aliens started attacking the great white sharks. They sent in robot sharks to fight the great whites. A great battle ensued.

The laser that the sharks were using to fight the alien caused the robot sharks to malfunction and attack the aliens who sent them. The alien ships started falling into the oceans. All the aliens died!

Then the same mad scientist came back and recovered the sunken alien technology and gave it to the sharks. The Great White Sharks then became hyper intelligent and adopted the alien technology.

The great whites thought about what their next step should be. They wanted revenge on the humans for attacking them first! They started attacking the humans that had fled to land. Using their own nuclear bombs against them. They killed every last human being alive on the planet!!!

They evolved their bodies to look more humanoid so that they could move around easier. They made the mad scientist their new god. But only after they murdered him for his good deeds to them. They renamed the planet Shark World!

Afterward, the Sharks went into space to colonize other planets for themselves. They killed every alien race that they encountered and took their planets as their own!!!

Eventually after millions of years. The Sharks became the masters of the universe!
