
I sometimes wish people would risk their lives for worthy causes. And I hate it that adoring audiences around the world lap this crap up like it's something other than people paying for glory without understanding the risks. Guys sacrificing their lives when they have small children just for a chance at getting to the top of a place thats already been conquered. Not cool. Try going into a peacekeeping corp and risking your life for a real fcking reason.

[email protected]


Or into the armed services maybe, assuming you are OK with whatever fight you're fighting. Or law enforcement?


You putting down someone else's desires is comical and holds no weight.

Time wounds all heels.


Well, if it looks dumb to you it's your business. But I actually see how it would totally worth it.


What really sucks is that Doug Hansen did it to try to inspire children to do the same. You call my comments comical? I call his actions genuinely ironic black humour.
[email protected]


I agree to an extent... A single healthy adult scratching an itch for adventure, I understand. You have nothing to lose and it's an experience of a life time. Others also make a living giving tours and working on the mountain.. But going with children or other dependents can be seen as irresponsible.. Life is so short and fraught with danger that adding in extreme risks, in essence, is a bad idea.
