RZA is so terrible

I have made posts on other boards about this guy is the worst actor in Hollywood and he continues to prove it on this show. Please kill him off. This show is just okay, not great or bad really, just mediocre. Get rid of him and at least it can improve a little bit.

Fly Eagles Fly



He really is bad. Dryer than toast in acting.

Imdb is not a pit. Imdb is a ladder.


So true. I can hardly understand a word he says since enunciating is something he doesn't do. Sounds like he has a mouth full of cotton or rocks.


It is pretty bad,I can pick out more of the Spanish than what ever the hell it is that he is trying to say.


He's more concerned with speaking 'his way' than properly.


He is better than 50 cent,though that ain't saying much


never heard of him before but I think he's good on this show, and has some funny lines. don't understand the complaints. its a pretty serious cop show so you need some comic relief.


I find it hilarious that one of the most articulate rappers in the industry is being criticized for how he speaks.


I dont think its his acting moreso than he did not blend or fit well with the cast. All these sexy ass black men whom are actors waiting in line and you cast RZa? Good lord. They should have killed his character instead.

I already survived you once, you smug Son of a Bitch. Question Will you survive me?


They only cast him because he's from that type of street and thug world being part of Wu Tang Clan. I think they thought he would give the show some street cred and draw in a certain type of viewer who would normally related to the themes of the show. Thing is he doesn't fit since he's from NYC with that thick accent and the show is set in LA.
