MovieChat Forums > Gang Related (2014) Discussion > Why do you think they took Gang Related ...

Why do you think they took Gang Related off the air....

Why does FOX take off the shows that are more towards reality than the fake life styles..... Gang Related happens in everyday america it is part of some cultures and police can relate to the show. I believe this show deserves a second chance and I pray they will allow that to happen even if it is not on FOX.


The same reason 99% of shows that get cancelled get cancelled. Because "nobody" is watching them.


Also, sometimes shows get cancelled because the key people fall out with each other.


Because its American and American TV is all about the money If they cant sell advertising they cancel the show, its as simple as that it, This was a damn good show but unfortunately it will never get a second season, it has nothing to do with the show itself, its all about the money.

Please excuse misplaced capital letters im genuinly Dyslexic and thats my thing.


So I'm curious, in what country do they continue to broadcast television shows that are;

A )being watched be relatively few people and
B.) not good enough to sell advertising on.

I know it's supposedly hip to be a self-hating American that's hates it's successful citizens, but give me a break with that complaint.


Don't all citizens have to pay a tax in England? I've never been so never have seen a British show. If they have to pay some sort of TV tax, that would destroy the need for commercials to fund programming. No commercial necessity could then lead to low viewership shows staying on the air as long as they are critically acclaimed.


We have to pay tax in the UK for the BBC they are the only station who don't have commercials? It's been a huge problem for a long time and there have been calls for getting it scrapped but to no avail? The TV shows over here are awful compared to the USA, Really awful and there is no comparison.

I don't have a TV license and don't watch TV, we actually have vans that come round and monitor you and they know if you are watching live TV, My TV aerial is not plugged in and the cable is outside, It's ridiculous to be honest.
