Halloween Ep

It was a funny ep. Several good lines. I like the one where Barry said he was just friends with the lunch lady. Too funny. Erica's costume. Wow. That's all I will say. There's no doubt she and Geoff will get together by the end of the season. Hayley O seems to hint at that in a recent pic I saw. It seems like the writers have made Geoff a lot less geeky lately. I wonder if that's a conscious decision. Quite noticeable.

The Adam/Misery stuff was good. I did chuckle when he was struggling to get up the stairs. Nicely done.

BTW-The real Beverly did get Stephen King's address. Adam wrote to him inviting him to his bar mitzvah. He responded back with a nice message. You can see the actual message on Adam's twitter.


He lives on West Broadway in Bangor, Maine. The address used last night was a PO Box.


Ok then. Not sure if they would use his real address on TV. Either Beverly got the real address or a PO Box and the real King responded back.


I sent a letter to his wife, Tabitha, at that West Broadway address once and heard from her.


Was it a cease and desist letter?


Yes. She didn't like what I had to say about Lucille Ball's "Here's Lucy."




I like that they pixellated the monster plant's mouth swearing.


I enjoyed the take on Misery too and his mom holding him hostage until he wrote what she wanted to hear. I saw that on Twitter. Pretty cool that Stephen King would take time to write back to a kid.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


It was a really funny episode. Barry as the plant from Little Shop Of Horrors was hilarious.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."


LSOH is my favorite film from the '80s; so glad they finally did something with it!

There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west


I love Little Shop Of Horrors too. Great 80s movie.


Haha Barry as a monster plant thing was gold. It was like he was an animated cartoon which I'm sure that's what they were going for.


I wonder if that was even him inside that thing most of the time.



Geoff and Erica's awkward rendition of "Suddenly Seymour" made me cringe. You don't sing a musical song like its a slow power ballad! Or at least, not that song from that musical. Geesh!

There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west
