The timeline....

I'm new to this show...just began watching yesterday on Hulu and I'm confused about the timeline. In one episode the mom is watching the royal wedding (1981) while the son is obsessed with Twisted Sister (1984 I think?), and the daughter is watching Bangles Eternal Flame video (1988). I'm unsure about the timeline set up for this show...I thought maybe the writers were trying to jump around the decade out of sequence with each episode because it might be more interesting that way...But to have so many anachronisms in one single episode is so confusing. Can anyone explain?

And sorry if this has been discussed before...I'm brand new to this board. Thanks!


I'm not able to explain it completely (although I accept it [actually, I don't notice it - I was working all through the 1980s, am oblivious to fashion, music etc. and have no idea what year movies and TV shows were made] and thoroughly enjoy the show) but the key to understanding the timeline is what the narrator says at the beginning of each episode: it's nineteen eighty something.


I don't notice it either. I also don't remember exactly what year a movie came out or a certain group being popular. I just know it was 1980 something.


Thanks for the explanation. I'm not a continuity geek, but I do remember the years when things happened in the 80s very well so I guess I'm just the type who notices easily.


where's phyllot when you need him?

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'


The show is telling "memories" in various order. That's why it always starts off with the commentator saying "it was eighty-something..."


I think with most of us who grew up in the 80''s all just 1980 something. We were kids...memories fade, everything "just happened way back then..."


Not for me. I can pinpoint things when they happened in that decade.


Well, okay!


Wasn't trying to be mean. I just remember things like oh this movie happened when I was freshman so it was around this time. It's funny. We have this thread and another frickin thread about the timeline pops up!!!! I can't respond to that one as well. This is the 4th season, so I believe people should know the format by now. That's just me.


Oh...I didn't think you were being mean. Sorry, if it appeared that way.


I was in college in the 80s and often said "it was 1980 something" when talking about the 80s. Same with 70s or even 60s.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


I noticed that Gimbels was sponsoring the Thanksgiving Day parade in this most recent episode, when in the episode prior, the big storyline involving Erica and Beverly involved Gimbels (which in real life, went out of business in 1987) closing.


The timeline has never bugged me. I love the show.
