MovieChat Forums > The Tunnel (2013) Discussion > Saw Season 2...basically '24' with Elise...

Saw Season 2...basically '24' with Elise and Karl

Not that its bad in the least (though I missed the more mystery/conspiracy aspect of the original).

Though more than the plot, it was the characters and their personal stories that were more captivating...especially Karl's struggles against the Secret Service and Elise's friendship/affair with Erykha.

Looking forward to seeing where they go with this next season.

Formerly sn939


Karl may need a Visa which may hamper the last dash to stop the mad serial killer emolliating/eviscerating/skinning his last victim.



That said, Dillane did mention that Season 3, if it happens, will probably have something to do with the fallout of Brexit.

Formerly sn939


Hopefully they will do one more to complete a trilogy.

There was quite a long gap between the first 2, about 2 and half years, so if 3 happens I doubt we will see it until at least 2018.


This is exactly what I thought for most of the season. Around episode 6 it regained some feeling of last season. Love how the B or C story villain became the primary focus at the end.
