Pam Dawber!!!

I only caught the last 7 minutes of tonight's episode but I loved the little Mork & Mindy reunion!! Can't wait to see the whole thing!


You didn't miss much. I was really stoked for the reunion, but they instead spent most of the episode focused on Brad Garrett's recurring character. Pam looks great (haven't seen her since she stared in an awful sitcom called "Life... and Stuff" that ran for three weeks in 1997), but as a fan of both shows, her appearance in three brief scenes was an enormous letdown.


I think that was rather nice moment to have robin Williams reunited with his former cast mate from Mark and Mindy.


It was just fun to see them together again. Pam has kept her girl-next-door looks, even at 62!


Agreed. Pam looked fantastic. She & Robin still have the inter-character chemistry nailed. Would love to see more of her on the show.


omg - I just watched the second-to-last episode. It was great to see them together!! The promo for the episode was actually the funniest scene of all.

And it was just a tease in a bigger story - setting the table for them to come together in the second season... SSSOOOOO sad.
