
Absolutely painful to watch...they looked and sounded nothing like Burton or Taylor.

The makeup on HBC was beyond drag queenish!


One word for this:


It was a ridiculous story during the most uninteresting time of their lives. Dominic West whom I love is NOTHING like Richard Burton..no matter how much salt and pepper they try to add to his sideburns.

HBC did capture a little of ET's voice, but she was also horrible, although this is award winning compared to that disastrous Lindsay Lohan version.

Let these two rest in peace. Their movies exist for all of us to see, and with the internet, all of the dirt that could possibly be dug up is there at the touch of a finger.

Remember us, for we too have lived, loved and laughed


Agreed. I'm a fan of both actors but this was not good. I was trying to figure out if Lohan did a better Liz...that's scary.


I only saw flashes of Taylor in HBC's performance. West did look a bit like Burton and sounded like him. He made this crap somewhat watchable.


They looked nothing like them, and they didn't act like them either. This film feels very lazy.
