MovieChat Forums > Burton and Taylor (2013) Discussion > Say it an't so. - Lindsay Lohan was more...

Say it an't so. - Lindsay Lohan was more believable than Helena

15 mins into the movie and I have to say Lindsay was more believable playing Elizabeth Taylor...I actually thought Lindsay's performance was not that bad. Helena does not have ET's mannerisms and her accent is so off. I am not surprised though, Lindsay worshiped the ground ET walked on so I'm sure she's been dying to play her for such a long time.Lindsay got her mannerisms very well. Lindsay is a good actress. Just very unfortunate her life got sidetracked. Now, Helena is one of the best actresses of our time..but this role is not for her.


Helena surely doesn´t look like Liz - you can´t change the shape of your face, and hers is very different from Liz almond shape


I still liked Helena and I bought her as Liz.
(And I am not a HBC fan)


While Helena doesn't have the same face structure as Liz, she certainly has the voice and mannerisms down. Lohan was sleep walking through the role and her voice was terrrrrrible. I do think that Helena has a striking resemblance in the still photos of her as Liz, though.


The voice down? No, she doesn't at all.

I like HBC, but she didn't pull this off, neither did Lohan.

But than, it's almost impossible with certain legendary stars. The only one I think got it right was Judy Davis as Judy Garland.
