MovieChat Forums > UnHung Hero (2013) Discussion > I'm Glad he debunked 'Extens.'

I'm Glad he debunked 'Extens.'

It's about time that company & product were exposed.

How many people have wasted their hard-earned money on it?

I was also glad to see info that penis pumps are actually dangerous. (not that I ever had to use one, of course!)


GREAT documentary, btw. The subject matter is so funny & interesting to start with, the writer could have taken it easy & coasted, but it is incredibly well edited. The sound is also excellent, in every location, so kudis to the sound guy.


im glad he exposed all of that stuff too. I didnt think it would work, but theres always that tiny tiny voice in the back of your head... "Maybe you're the exception...." lol


He should have tested out 'jelqing'. Tons of internet people ( a cousin to mole and basement people) claim that really works

"what is your major malfunction numbnuts?!!"


Not sure that needs debunking as it's clearly *beep*


Anyone who believes that any pill will make you "bigger" is an idiot.

Pills can help in bed...sure... You're just not going to be BIGGER.

Viagra does work... fact. Anything that increases blood flow can help keep you hard longer if you need that. The biggest thing that helps is just being horny in your mind and relaxed.


He did and debunked it as well as finding out it is harmful.

Misidiotaicy - the dislike of idiots.


All that crap is fake. The only way you can extend your penis is surgery. These people should go talk to a doctor or take a few biology classes to understand that.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


I am glad he exposed those crazy methods of enhancement by consuming the animal private parts.

God has a hard on for marines because we kill everything we see. He plays his game, we play ours.

