MovieChat Forums > Bonnie & Clyde (2013) Discussion > People who have the slightest bit of act...

People who have the slightest bit of actual information on Bonnie and Cl

will have a problem with this. I personally would love something that is more factual


Yeah I'm pretty disappointed. I understand a little creative license, but a lot of this was plain wrong.



I personally would love something that is more factuar

Isn't that what documentaries are for, not movies? I mean documentaries are for presenting facts. Movies are for entertaining an audience and if ignoring the facts do that best, then so be it.

"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers


Isn't that what documentaries are for, not movies? I mean documentaries are for presenting facts. Movies are for entertaining an audience and if ignoring the facts do that best, then so be it

bollocks, if they want to ignore the facts they should have made an entirely fictional show/movie. you wouldn't want to see a movie about jfk where he survives dallas would you


bollocks, if they want to ignore the facts they should have made an entirely fictional show/movie. you wouldn't want to see a movie about jfk where he survives dallas would you

I couldn't care less about a movie about JFK, whether he lives or dies. But for the sake of argument, let's pretend I did. Would I watch it? Maybe. It would depend on the purpose behind his surviving. If it resulted in a good, entertaining, story being told that is written believably, I'd be all over it.

You see, I don't look to tv or movies for my knowledge. I spent an awful long time working on my ability to pick up a book and read it.

As for ignoring facts in the stories of real life people, that is what the term "fictionalized story" was invented for.

"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers


"You see, I don't look to tv or movies for my knowledge. I spent an awful long time working on my ability to pick up a book and read it. ""

awesome you're deserve a medal since your're probably the only one who's ever picked up a book!

As for ignoring facts in the stories of real life people, that is what the term "fictionalized story" was invented for.

like i said if they wanna fictionalize everything then make up some fictional characters and make up a story line.
i don't mind if they twist some facts but the closer to the truth the better.


awesome you're deserve a medal

Thanks. I'm sure you'll do something worthy of one eventually.
like i said if they wanna fictionalize everything then make up some fictional characters and make up a story line.
i don't mind if they twist some facts but the closer to the truth the better.

"Everything" isn't fictionalized though. The basic outline of who they were and what they did remain true. It's the details that have been fictionalized in order to tell an entertaining story.

"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers


has there ever been a tv movie based in real life events that didn't have this argument right afterwards? lower expectations and its not that bad (first half anyway)


My problem is that the real facts are far from boring. It didn't need to be fictionalized to the degree it is to have been an entertaining film.

"Witches can be right. Giants can be good. You decide what's right. You decide what's good."


I agree. When the fiction is boring and the facts are entertaining, that leads to nothing good.

I hate the "watch a documentary" argument. Ill watch it, and enjoy it, but why shouldn't I expect interesting aspects for an interesting true life story? Instead I get a story about a man who is practically psychic and his bloodthirsty girlfriend.


Exactly. A fact based movie would have been extremely interesting.


Yes the true story is far more interesting and exciting than the fictionalized version that this thing was.


Don't Make Me Have to Release the Flying Monkeys!


Actually, I would like to see a movie with Kennedy surviving Dallas, Lincoln losing the 1860 election, the Confederate States surviving, Hitler dying in 1940, the American Revolution never happening, and lots of other what-ifs. Imagine the world if these big events never happened or happened differently. What if the Cuban Missile Crisis ended in launching missiles?

Imagine the possibilities. At least it would not be a sequel, prequel, or remake.

Take a chance, flip a coin, everything is 50/50


I agree. I don't mind a little creative license but this is truly generic.
I don't mind their attractiveness either but they're too well dressed and Bonnie shimmers and glows a little too much for the desperation of the depression.
They live too well to be from the circumstances that drove them. Their conversations are too modern.
Why did they have to make Clyde some kind of psychic?
Doesn't it look like they escaped from the Great Gatsby set?


zooymtoo-527-334409 You got it right. I too wondered why everyone looked so prosperous when it was the depression and their conversations were way too modern. I haven't read alot about Bonnie & Clyde like some people posting, but I thought Clyde was a little slow and Bonnie had mental problems.


I don't see any evidence that Clyde was "slow" beyond the fact that he went from petty criminal to murderer and was willing to take it to it's inevitable conclusion once being a murderer and being wanted was an established fact.
It's true that they were not that competent at what they did. They were small time.
Bonnie was considered by some to have a mental disorder that attracted her to dangerous men, although that would be 2 men. Her husband and Clyde. Maybe it had to do with her environment and the people that she came into contact with. That's the kind of guy she met.

I don't think either were sociopaths but despite all the reasons that they did what they did one would have to wonder what did cause them to cross the line and accept that whole lifestyle.
I guess it was boredom, poverty, youth and the fact that once they were wanted for murder there could be no end except death or incarceration. There was no going back after that, they seemed to think.


I know alot of what I've read is not true and maybe Clyde Barrow was intelligent, but it seems perhaps Bonnie Parker was bi-polar. That could explain her behavior. Also, I haven't read this, but it was the depression. People killed themselves during that time because of the economic woes, so I think you are probably right when you say

it was boredom, poverty, youth and the fact that once they were wanted for murder there could be no end except death or incarceration. There was no going back after that, they seemed to think.


I only watched one hour and turned it off after seeing so many inaccurate things. For example, Bonnie never smuggled a gun in to break Clyde out of jail. They didn't even know each other then, correct?



She did smuggle a gun in, but Clyde asked her to get it. It was hidden at the house of someone he was in jail with & she agreed to go get it and smuggle it in. This movie set it up like she did it on her own & Clyde was reluctant at first to take it. That part wasn't true.




Nonexistent? Aside from omitting a lot (which they had to, considering the decades they had to cover), they told a fair story and took a little creative license to fill in the gaps.


I'm all for creative license, but this was absurd, especially the ending.


you want a documentary there are plenty of those. I want entertainment.


The problem here is that not only was it not even close to factual, but it also was not entertaining! It was sooooo boring. If they'd stuck to the actual story, the movie could have been more entertaining than all the fake crap.


the majority gave it a better than average rating. check the imdb results


come back and post when the average falls below 5


That argument only works when the fiction is more entertaining than the truth. You can't take a story like this one and make it boring and expect people to love it.


I'm well read on the subject and my issues with the miniseries were minimal and mostly unrelated to it's being so heavily fictionalized. I wouldn't mind seeing a more accurate miniseries or film, but I'm more than satisfied with the '67 version, errors and all.
