MovieChat Forums > Game Night (2018) Discussion > Succumbs to Poor Writing

Succumbs to Poor Writing

What starts out as an intriguing setup quickly loses steam due to astoundingly flat humor. Most of the gags were based on references to other works -- not clever references, but ones that seemed to reward mere recognition. I suppose it might have worked on that level if the plot had developed into more of a madcap series of misunderstandings, but it relied too heavily on bland, empty references as if that alone equates to humor. Maybe I was just having a bad day (a regular day). Deadpool does this type of schtick well. I simply did not find Game Night's parade of call-outs to be an effectively executed comedy.

I know I'm in the minority, but I'm still curious to hear from others about what they thought worked or didn't here.


the whole thing worked. and I hated deadpool.


If you like it, that's cool. It's fine to enjoy mediocre tripe - I enjoyed Super Troopers 2 for what it was.

If anything, the technically sound production elements helped to mask Game Night's hackneyed writing. Like a lot of studio comedies made nowadays, it came off as something that worked better at the story conference stage than in the final execution.


I thought it was slightly above-average when compared to the last few modern comedies I've seen. I'd probably give it a 6.5 or 7. I haven't seen Deadpool.


6.5 sounds accurate. It's by no means horrible, but nothing about it makes me compelled to recommend it to anyone else.


Yeah, Jesse Plemons starting to be someone I really enjoy was what I took away most from the movie. I've always liked Bateman, but he didn't really get to be "Bateman" in this. Not full-throttle anyway.


I like to call him Jesse P. Lemons.


Haha, he's got kind of a Renee Zellweger thing going, where he always looks like he's just sucked on one.


You are obviously wrong on every count! (Hahaha, just yankin' yer chain.)

But I do disagree. I thought the writing was quick witted and clever. Except for the on-going infidelity/Denzel gag. But the payoff sorta made it okay, too.

I love the two leads, and I thought the writing for their scenes was very, very good, and performed to perfection.
