
This movie is going to be crap. I pooped myself.


A pre-pooper of infinite jest, then.

It's the nothing that makes us something; it's what we miss that hits the mark.


by jblazebr1 ยป Mon May 13 2013 15:45:39
I pooped myself.
Maybe you should stay away until you're potty trained.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell



Trained monkeys could make a better film. Probably untrained monkeys as well.


Judging a movie before watching it tells me this:

1) You hold a grudge against the director or some other personnel in the production.

2) You're an idiot.

3) You're an idiot.


Or ya'know, they could have read the reviews and done some research and seeing as most of the reviews are bad, nobody wants to waste their time.

The only real idiot here is you ^
