Series 4 press pack


Thanks for the heads up.



Shaun Evans is losing his baby face and getting wonderfully good looking.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


Thanks for posting this, interesting to see Joan Thursday appears in the 3rd and 4th episodes.


According to the Daily Mail today 6 further episodes have been commissioned (series 5).


Yes, I 've also seen that:


Ah, the Daily Mail. It used to be my paper of choice until I hit 30 and then I realized what a hateful rag it was.

It never reports, it creates and distorts.

Reading the actual words of Shaun make sense. We can't rest on our laurels and any reference to Morse has to stand on it's own within the series and can't just be there for sentimentality or else the series will fail or become some legacy program that goes downhill fast. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Rather pleasing that Endeavour matters to them and it isn't just a paycheque.



Actually, not a bad article for the Daily Mail 😉

However this bit, about episode 4, is a bit strange. They say it "includes a couple of tips of the trilby in that it stars Abigail Thaw, John Thaw’s real-life daughter from his first marriage". Abigail Thaw has appeared more or less regularly in the show since its beginning, so her appearance is nothing new.

Never lie to the dog.
