No Solar Still?

Great show, I'm all psyched for the next one, I'm hoping Ed knows how to make a solar still, but it seems like he doesn't, which surprises me.

I think it's standard information in any surviving in the tropics army manual.


As I see it, there are two major problems with your suggestion of a solar still.

1. It needs a sheet of plastic or some such to work,

2. Because what you collect is condensed water, it doesn't contain minerals and other trace elements your body needs. When drunk in large quantities, it can even drain your body of vital elements. It should be a last resort to survive only, not a got-to method for a default water supply.

What I find more baffling: he neither tried to protect the trickle of water down "his" rock from the sun to minimize evaporation, nor did he attempt to find out where it comes from, i.e., the source of the trickle. If it is wet soil, he could shovel a trench and let the water collect in the bottom, then make a filter of one of his plastic bottles and different layers of moss and sand to drain it and turn it into fresh, drinkable water. That should give him a steady supply.

Also, where do the goats go to drink? And the island's foliage is so thick, it is bound to have an accessible ground water level somewhere, I should think.


Well he did wash up on the island naked, lacking the plastic needed to make a solar still. Also the amount from just 1 still is negligible, realistically you'd want multiple stills.


Thanks for your replies guys, I never knew that about solar stills.
I'm definitely not a survival expert, the still is something I read about in a survival manual.

I've lived in that region of the world (near French Polynesia) and I can tell you from personal experience that even a simple cut can knock the hell out of you if it gets infected. Nothing like having the chills in blazing hot weather.


Agreed about the water, what I also found funny was him using the clam shell to chop trees. Plenty of rocks around and as we saw earlier, an axe could have been easily made with some flint knapping. Still, good show, better than watching Bear Grylls or Dual Survial. There's a channel for survival 24/7 on justin dot tv /daninator10 if you want to learn more. Some of it is just mindless entertainment but a lot of good stuff too.
