Flying back to New York before sunrise?

Some of the aviation experts have been good at answering my questions in he past. If a transatlantic jet liner takes off from London Heathrow Airport, at 2:00 am in the morning, will it arrive at JFK Airport in New York City, at around 2:00 am in the morning? That scene where the whole gang got back to New York, from London, before sun rise was hard to believe.


I don't know about 2 AM but you have to remember that it is winter which means that sunrise is later too. Plus we don't know when they leave.


due to planes being able to fly faster than earth rotation and traveling west is traveling agianst the clock it is actually possible to get into the plane at 2 AM and arrive at 1 AM. The jetlag is going to be a bitch though.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Thanks for the insight. I like it when the directors, screenwriters, and producers of a movie err on the side of thinking we (the audience) are smarter and more knowledgable than we really are. And, I'm not being sarcastic when I say that.


much better than assuming that the audience is full of idiots. i am pretty sure that most people have heard of time zones



Well I am not an aviation expert, and nor do I claim to be one, I mean it could be possible. London would be 5 hours ahead of New York, as you would figure London will be 6 hours ahead of any city in the central time. I mean please figure me if I give you nightmares in your mind, but that could depend on as long as nothing goes wrong on the board of the plane, for it to go on distress and even crash. Now most of the time, if a plane does crash it is shortly after take off, but there sometimes where it has happened not shortly after take off, I might one of the most famous ones that happened that happened while landing was Southern Airways Flight 932 that carried most of the Marshall players, coaches, staff, and fans. While it might be possible but also think that you will also have to go through customs as well, in less you find someway to speed your way through them, or by pass them. I have never flown from London to New York City before, and I don't plan to either. But what I can tell you is even if I don't know if it can be possible, but movies can streach the truth there. And of course that is if the plane is on time, and nothing happens for it to be delayed, or if they have to turn back if there is a passenger that is causing trouble, and they need to fly back to have him/her arrested.


I have no idea what you're talking about, man. You start out sort of on track, but four or five lines into that wall of text, you're completely off the meds.

To the OP:

The British Museum in London closes at 20:30, and the latest sunrise in New York, in winter, is in late December/early January where the sun rises at around 07:20, so we have to assume that everything takes place between those two times.

According to Google Maps, traveling from The British Museum to the American Museum of Natural History takes about 7 hours and 20 minutes, which is pretty consistent with quick head math*, but that's without accounting for traffic and other delays.

If the journey back took 7 hours and 20 minutes, they would have to leave The British Museum no later than midnight. The museum closes at 20:30, and there are still lots of people out and about by the time Lancelot escapes, so I'm guessing it's around 22:00 or 23:00 when the tablet is finally restored.

This leaves 1 hour back in New York for goodbyes.

*Head math: Trip from TBM to Heathrow takes about 1 hour. Boarding takes about 1.5 hours with that kind of cargo. Trip from Heathrow to JFK takes about 3 hours by plane. Unloading takes about 0.5 hours with that kind of cargo. Trip from JFK to AMNH takes about 1 hour. Total = 7 hours.


Remember too that London time is five hours ahead of New York City, so flying from London to NYC arrives you "backwards in time" and it wouldn't yet be dawn there.


Wow what planes do you fly that gets to New York from London in 3 hours? Took me 6 and a half hours last time I went!


Concorde took about 3 hours, but, sadly, that's not an option these days...


Yeah I bet flying to New York on Concorde must have been a real head scramble. Shame it's no more never got to try it.


A 2am flight from London to New York will get you there around 4:30/5:00 am. You don't need to be an aviation expert to work this one out you just need to have done it before?
