Stefanie Scott

How much is Stefanie Scott in this movie?, as im only going to watch it/I.T for her.


Plenty. she's one of the main characters. Beware of the shower scene though. It's a little too much.


thanks that awesome to hear, shower scene? im more than curious now.


She has a NON-NUDE shower masturbation scene. I have no idea why that is pushing so many people over the edge. They either can't handle seeing a pretty 19-year-old actress ALMOST get naked, or the very idea that her 17-year-old female character would ever masturbate in the shower offends their delicate sensibilities. Anyway, perhaps some of them should have watched "God's Not Dead 2" instead.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


walking into the shower naked is a non-nude scene. right. and she was 18 when they filmed this. Just upset last year she stated she wouldnt be hyper-sexualized and not be parading in her bra like in Spring Breakers... and we get this.

The scene was in poor taste and not all shocked looking at the director. I'm surprised he didnt take it one step further and put her in bed with the creep


i call body double on that scene
