Nils wife (SPOILERS)

I absolutely loved this film and it is hard to fault it in any major way. My one gripe is Nils' wife. I get it that she was shocked and grieved by the death of their son - but why on earth did she attack Nils when he said that the boy wasn't a drug addict and subsequently walk out on him. To add insult to injury the blank piece of paper was vicious - I am surprised she wasn't victim number three. I feel the film makers should have given us a reason for her behaviour.


I believe she thought he was in denial and when she needed him most on an emotional level to comfort her he was not there. As she mentioned, it got to the point she didn't know who he was anymore.

I agree it seemed kinda rushed how she left him though.


I get the impression that Gudrun blamed Nils for their son's death. Her violent response to his assertion that Ingvar wasn't an addict, and the fact that she left Nils so soon afterwards, tells me her anger towards him had been brewing for a long time. I think Nils is the stoic, silent type who doesn't know how to tell his family he loves them. Gudrun probably felt her son turned to drugs to fill that void, and so it was Nil's fault that Ingvar died.

The blank note was her way of repaying silence with silence. Ironically, he tried to tell her what he had discovered about their son's death, right after his first act of vengeance, but she silently froze him out because, to her, it appeared he was just going about his business as if their son's death didn't matter to him.

I actually laughed when I saw the blank note. It brought to mind the old stereotype about women:

Him: "Why are you upset?"

Her: "You should know!"
