MovieChat Forums > Me Before You (2016) Discussion > Lou at the end of the movie..Shocking..

Lou at the end of the movie..Shocking..

When Lou is in Paris and she goes to the perfume shop to buy the perfume Will recommended for her,she was SMILING...I was like,seriously?
I get she felt a bit thrilled seeing the perfume he thought for her, but he had just died, she was at the french restaurant, the one Will visited and she was alone, so she had reasons to be crying instead of looking so relaxed.

That was the place Will visited but he was not there so I would have felt bad and depressive.However she acted like if Will was waiting for her in some place near there..I found the ending totally ridicolous..


sheesh! i think she cried plenty before that and we saw her pain. There had to be some hope after his death and some memories left over of the good times and the impression he left with her.


It was poor writing, poor writing in the book and the screeenplay followed that.
Really, it would have made sense to see Lou in Paris some months after Switzerland, but not like 2-3 weeks after Will's death. I totally get the fact that you must end the novel and the film on a "good" note somehow, but to make events take place at an appropriate time it's crucial.

Will wrote the letter expecting Lou to be in Paris in september, Moyes should have shown Lou in Paris ( in the book and the screeplay ) in the middle of the "Will, sorry, I'm late, but what did you expect me do do 3 week after you death??"

Also... don't know if any of the book readers noticed but in the book it is said that Will tried to commit suicide in december, and then in the chaper "Camilla" it says it was 22 january. This is poor writing, again. How get you overlook something like this? It's "only" the suicide attempt of the main character!

I loved this book, but it has its flaws, let's say that I love it despite the flaws.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"


Sometimes it easy to see a person die when you've had time to say good bye to them, When you're expecting their death; and when you understand that they are at peace in death, more than they were in life.


It's still hot in France in September


I agree, the writing is really bad. And I really hated the end. I don't think all stories should have a good ending. But something at least! Aside from the fact she got some money and a trip to Paris. I mean... Wow. It's not even a love story. It literally shows that love doesn't conquer all. He loves her, apparently really loves her, but not as much as he hates his chair. So *beep* her, he offs himself anyway.
Really hated that ending.


. It literally shows that love doesn't conquer all. He loves her, apparently really loves her, but not as much as he hates his chair.

But I actually liked that . Because it's the truth. Because it's life. Love does not conquer all and in some circumstances quality of life and health are more important than love, and also... money can't buy you a new spinal cord! Since so many here say : "he was filthy rich and he killed himself and what should the poor do...bla bla..."
I think the film had some flaws: the biggest one was to avoid showing Will 's physical pain and struggles ( they kept it very light to avoid damping the "romantic" side and funny moments ) ,then showing Lou in Paris "smiling" only a few weeks after his death, I would have liked to see her there a few months later.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"


If you need insult a person to give your opinion ,you need a good lesson of manners,the fact you insult someone is enough reason to lose the respect for you and your opinions and ignore you.Anyway I am gonna answer.

It is not react different,"wise guy", in many scenes she should have acted much more emotional,considering the facts and she was supposedly in love with him..All the people who watched the ending were crying,specially the part of the letter, and Lou was almost smiling and she looked ok, dont tell me that was normal..even tough she had had time to say goodbye and she cried later, in that specific scene the most normal thing was she had looked a bit more sad.

I am not saying she had to be crying like a baby, but I found Emilia's acting a bit bad..I felt a lack of more emotion in some parts..
I just say if people were crying with that scene,Lou should have been shown looking much more emotional because whether you react better or worse,there are moments where you only can feel pain and look devastated..
Even in the book,I could see Lou feeling sad and looking bad.

And that is my opinion and others',so please respect it and keep the mean words for you or leave the board if you can't show a bit of respect..

By the way, did I forget to mention you have been reported? Have a good day.


It seems like youve been lucky enough to not lose someone close to you. People react in different ways. You've no idea how much time has passed since his passing either.
Also the majority of the time it's the director who chooses how they want the actor to be in each scene. The writer was part of this so it's not really Clarkes fault


. You've no idea how much time has passed since his passing either.

According to the writer 6 weeks had passed since Lou received the letter.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"


That's the book. In the film there is no clear estimation of time. Saying that 6 weeks is enough time to not sit about crying all day and night.


I have not been lucky, I lost my mom and my handicaped brother the same year in 2011, thanks..I could not stop crying.So If I had lost Will, I would have looked worse than Lou in the movie.But that's me..ok.


Exactly. That's you, we are all different and react to things in different ways.
She didn't lose a family member she lost a guy who wanted to die and in the end she supported him in this desire. In grief there's always hope.


Well it was not just me, in the book Lou seemed more upset,and apparently Lou was in love with Will, she discovered a new life thanks to him,she felt happy being with him and doing things and he left her when she felt happier than ever.

It was not just a "guy" for her.If she loved him so much that she got a depression and was an alcoholic in the second book, it is clear that, for her ,Will was much more than a guy, maybe much more than a family member.You dont need that person is your father or your sister to feel an impact and cry night and day.

In the book I got the impression she was more affected..But the book and the movie were different in some aspects so it is not strange...


This isn't the book it's the film. They chose to go in a different route.
They chose to take a hope angle. People sadly die it's part of nature.



I lost my mom this past November and two days or so after her funeral I went with some friends to a museum and we had a good time. When my grandmother died and I was a child, my cousins, friend and me watched a video and was laughing at it in my room while the adults were downstairs. Smiling and laughing after a person dies doesn't mean you are being disrespectful or that you aren't still hurting. You're just trying to cope and move on with your life the way they would want you to. I've cried for my mom since then and I have cried over my grandmother years after she died. Sometimes keeping yourself occupied and trying to be happy is the only way you can keep from going insane after losing someone you cared about. It's not like Lou was out flirting with guys. She went to a place where Will told her to go and she respectfully did what he told her to do.


She grieved. She moved on. I have buried a child, I cried for months after, I grieved. I sometimes take out the little outfit my stillborn son would have worn back from the hospital, I don't dissolve into tears, it comforts me, in some way I feel close to him and it makes me feel a bit better. Perhaps that is what she felt.


by marisanz ยป Wed Jul 27 2016 13:10:17

When Lou is in Paris and she goes to the perfume shop to buy the perfume Will recommended for her,she was SMILING...I was like,seriously?
I get she felt a bit thrilled seeing the perfume he thought for her, but he had just died, she was at the french restaurant, the one Will visited and she was alone, so she had reasons to be crying instead of looking so relaxed.

That was the place Will visited but he was not there so I would have felt bad and depressive.However she acted like if Will was waiting for her in some place near there..I found the ending totally ridicolous..
Then you completely missed the point of the movie.

Even Will didn't want her to be crying and to be held back. He wanted her to have a life, to have someone, to have hope. If she cried seeing that perfume, that would've meant that the letter Will left her had no impact. She HAD already grieved. This was already "some time" after his passing; so he definitely did not just die. His letter was meant to put her at ease and to give her a fresh start. It was not meant to hold her back, make her cry, and make her feel depressed.

That ending was not "ridicolous"; you simply did not understand it.


I see what you mean, but I understood it perfectly, yeah the image of the ending is like she is gonna listen to Will's advice and she is getting better and doing things and she got over Will somehow..But that is not the truth.I got the message,but it did not make sense to me because I feel they changed the thing completly.
She went from being devastated to feel "fine" in 6 weeks?

I have read the books, and in "After you" after Will's death,One year and a half later you can see Lou has not moved on AT ALL.
She is still grieved ,so the image of that new Lou of the end of the movie has not anything to do with the real story.
She went to Paris and other places but she was not happy or enjoyed the experience because she missed Will constantly and Lou said she felt empty,so I can't imagine Lou smiling and walking in the streets like in the movie because she did not feel like that at all.

She is still crying for Will, drinking, no sleeping ,thinking of him constantly,sleeping with his clothes on,not to mention she did not use Will's money to do anything but to buy an apartment which disliked her. She had a lame job with a boss who treated her with disrespect,she did not study, she ignored her family..Her life is a mess and you dont feel Will helped her at all.

The letter that Will gave her,did nothing for her.With his death,he just made her feel worse and with less motivation to do things.

The movie is different of the book,and it offers a better ending, seeing Lou like she is gonna a start a new life where she feels excited and motivated, but nothing could be further from the truth...


maybe you could put spoiler tags when talking about the second book :-).
Some people might want to read or even ignore what's in it and judge the film and the first book as they are. I read the second book and chose to ignore it for various reasons.

Anyway, this is the film board but I think that since the book and the screenplay were written by the same person it's obvious we tend to compare... the book was "deeper" and more emotional in many aspects, it's a pity some of this got lost in the movie.

"Please, if you are trying to convert me, this isn't a good time"


OP, I wonder if this has to do anything with the fact that NOT ALL PEOPLE ARE THE SAME? You also post on IMDb boards; I don't Lou does that. Should she start doing that, since YOU are doing that? It seems you want the world to behave like you. Bit of an ego problem there?


What the hell are you talking about?? I am just expressing MY opinion, I am not saying people have to behave like me,I am not forcing anyone to do anything,for God's sake, what is the problem? I think I can FREELY express what I think about whatever, unless some people have a problem with it and become an opinion in a deal.

I was just saying I found weird Lou's behaviour at the end of the movie considering in the book she was more upset and in the second book,dealing with a depression.She was far from being motivated and doing what Will said in the letter as the movie showed.I found the ending shocking ,showing a Lou almost happy while in the book she was devastated.

In the book Lou acted more upset while in the movie,there were moments where Emilia was always smiling even in scenes where ,"normally",nobody would smile.When she visits Paris, she looks relaxed as if nothing had happened.That is what I found weird.In the book she did not feel well and that seemed to me more natural considering what had happened 6 weeks earlier.

I would have felt really bad if I had lost Will, that is my opinion, and if other people react different, ok, whatever, no problem, but I just expressed what I think and what I would have felt, so please stop becoming the topic in a big deal...


Just because someone does not react the way we expect them to does not mean they're in any less pain or sadness. To me, her smile represented a little peace in knowing he is happier and that he still thought of her long after leaving. I don't think it means she's no longer sad and I don't think it means she never suffered. Hell, we all could be entirely wrong. But ultimately, the letter and perfume seemed to have given her a little comfort amidst all the pain that I'm sure she had to endure; of which we obviously didn't see.

In the book, her reaction in the ending scene in Switzerland was a little different; she cried a whole lot more than what we saw. But it's already depressing enough, what would having her sobbing in the film really do? Not much to me..I was already bawling my eyes out.


You missed the point of the ending.

My wife picked this movie and I normally hate these movie, maybe it was queen of dragons, but i liked this movie. There were a couple parts that seemed like cheese lines, but otherwise I enjoyed it.
