MovieChat Forums > Miss Julie (2014) Discussion > A 20-minute story told in 2+ hours.

A 20-minute story told in 2+ hours.

The actors are good but the movie uses 2+ hours to tell a 20-minute story. Other than that it is moderately interesting.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Thanks finally someone else who isn't in love with the play.

I deliberately didn't want to read up on this since I wasn't a student of the play either, and I kept hanging on to find out, like, if the cook ended up taking some of that poison, or if the high-strung rich chick used that axe on herself, or if he ended up getting caught for theft.

A lot of the analyses of this seemed to think it was about Darwinism or something, but I didn't get that at all; just the same lines between male and female roles and the age-old one between rich and poor. What I couldn't figure out was how many times John and Julie kept yo-yoing each other between "oh yes I COULD love you," and "you're saying that to me? well, here's how low I think YOU are!!"
and the fact that she's neurotic long before they had meds for that, but he's actually criminally-minded and basically unapologetic for it. ? It reminded me a lot of the 50's movie "A Place In The Sun" (or its update Woody Allen's what was it, Cross point or cross match or something, with Scarlet Johannsen)....where the poor guy gets a chance to live the rich life but has to get rid of the pregnant mistress. Which was based on a real life murder case from 1912 in upstate New York, turned into Dreiser's American Tragedy. I love the real life stuff. I kind of hate that Miss Julie ended there, I bet there's a whole movie worth watching that starts when they find her body, and whether his girlfriend the cook rats him out or not...

but that's just me.


Match Point by Woody Allen is not a remake of A Place in the Sun. Just similar themes.


Yes, of course, not a remake. Didn't mean to mislead anyone out there, and thank you. I misspoke. Many of the points are very different. I would just remark to anyone who was a fan of Match Point (thanks! I couldn't remember and I was too tired to look it up), if the tragic themes in it somehow spoke to you, you would probably identify with the story line of A Place in the Sun.

I just love these boards, you can really talk to other people who really love films. Its like being in a cool coffee shop with a bunch of other movie nerds!! its hard for me to find movie nerds to talk to where I live...


Love the boards 

Never thought about it, but it is like a virtual coffee shop.


I thought the same thing...the film would really start after the encouraged suicide.

The two hours dragged on and on. I nodded off and was awakened by Miss Julie's screams to a beheaded canary.

I must admit that I found myself thinking in a very modern sense: "Get over it you two, move on, you just got laid..big whoop." and "Excuse him from duty if you must...then clean up and get some sleep." :P

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
