Line of Commanders

We all know that Becca Pramheda is the original "Commander" and Nightblood. We know her Nightblood condition became hereditary and was passed down through generations. We also know the process by which the new Commander is chosen. What I'm not sure of- is, do we know an order of Commanders? Lexa is the last known Commander, who preceded her? I just read an article that explains how there are so many Nightbloods since there was only 1 Becca- interesting.

Also- As the Commander with the Flame, Lexa did have access to the City of Lights, right? I know the flame offered protection, so the dwellers within the City of Lights couldn't detect her- but could ALIE 1.0?? Because she detected when Clarke entered, or was that because she also took "the key" and the flame started to breakdown due to the upload?

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Lexa was only in the CoL during the finale because Clarke took the chip and 'imagined' her there. She was the embodiment of the Spirit of the Commanders for Clarke, so if someone else had taken the flame everything would have been perceived differently. That's also why Clarke imagined a lever and pulled it when Alie said 'together', and why Becca couldn't be the one to end the CoL - Clarke was in control of the whole experience. The CoL and the flame are two completely separate things.

The writers haven't explored the previous commanders yet but maybe that's something we'll learn next season! It would be cool to see how people survived in the years after the war. Maybe they'll show a flashback with one of the commanders. I can't really see the writers ever naming them all as it doesn't move the plot forward, but I can see them possibly doing a flashback if it relates to the current story.


You're right, addressing the lineage would only make sense if it advanced the story, I get it. I'm so curious though! How long was Lexa the Commander? And I'd love to know how the ritual of choosing the new Commander and performing the ascension started!

OH! I didn't realize that Lexa was imagined by Clarke. For some odd reason, I thought that the "spirit" (aka download of the person who was connected to the flame at some point) was able to live on in the CoL. Silly me! She was able to battle and kill the people who had been attacking Clarke, so it threw me off.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I'm really curious too! They teased us about grounder culture a lot last season but didn't really build onto the world that much. I really wanted to see an ascension but Ontari kind of ruined that lol, but maybe we'll see one this season.

The CoL stuff is kind of confusing and some of it depends on what you consider living. Like when I say Clarke imagined her there I mean that her mind with the flame 'brought' her there if that makes sense. So that's why Lexa was able to protect her but wasn't actually living there.


I think we might see or at least hear about the former commanders. It's part of the ascension ritual that the "chosen one" isn't legitimate unless he/she recites the names of all former commanders. Which was the problem for Ontari, because this is something the "chosen one" could only know if he/she actually took the flame.

So, if we get a new commander in early S4 (Ian said at SDCC the leadership question will be solved in 4x01), and if we get one with the full ritual which is shown on screen, we'll at least hear the names.

"Just another day on the ground, right?" - John Murphy (The 100)


Oh right I forgot about that! So we will at least hear the names of all the commanders


Provided that they show the full ascension ritual on screen. IF there is an ascension ritual.

"Just another day on the ground, right?" - John Murphy (The 100)


Oh- I'm really excited that they will actually address the issue of the Commander in 4x01! I wonder if Luna will come back and take it after all?!? Cool, thanks for the info!

Like others said, I hope there is an ascension and we get even just a little glimpse into the history, esp if the Grounders will be a big part of S4.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Yes, as Ian said, they will most likely address both leardership issues, Grounder and SkyPeople, in the first episode(s).

One of the clues we get every few days out of the writers room (via Instagram) is an "I voted" button, which they posted very early during the writing process for 4x01. Another hint (during writing 4x02) was "who's the boss?", and the very first hint while writing 4x03 was a drawing of a coffee mug with "world's best chancellor" written on it. The last one clearly is a SkyPeople thing, the other two could be both, but the first one more SkyPeople than Grounder.

As far as we know Luna will be back in 4x02.

I think the Grounders will be a big part of S4. We'll get to know at least one "new" clan, Trishana (Glowing Forest), and now that Zach McGowan is a series regular, and with Echo being back in 401, we'll hopefully get to see more of the Ice Nation.

To find a solution (or at least to find a place where they can survive the second apocalypse) they all should work together, maybe create mixed search parties because the Grounders know a lot more about the territory.

"Just another day on the ground, right?" - John Murphy (The 100)
