I really liked it and was disappointed that it got cancelled.

I was watching this show back when it was on. I missed a couple of episodes and decided to wait to watch them. Unfortunately they haven't ever put this show out on DVD (or I can't find it).

So is it or will it ever be available on DVD so I can watch/finish it?

Thanx for any info.


I have been able to find the DVD at this website: http://www.itisdvd.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&search_in_description=1&keyword=The+tomorrow+people+season+1+DVD

I apologise for the unclickable link. I'm on my phone and don't know how to make a link clickable.

Anyway. I just brought the season 1 DVD from there. It's pretty cheap. It ships from china, but don't worry it plays in English and the language and subtitles come in English. That's the only place I've been able to find the DVD as it has not been released anywhere else.

I hope I was helpful ;)


Thanx for the link. I guess that is a safe site.

It says it's $21, so it's not too cheap. And is there a shipping cost as well? (I usually only pay $10-15 for seasons I own, but if this is the only place it's available...)
