Killer Women RIP

Thank God the network finally saw the light. I really don't understand this. They had a pretty good cast, but the story lines were just totally ludicrous. Did they expect the cast to carry the show? If you don't have a good plot and good writers you are screwed. I hope the producers learn something from this or maybe they need new producers. Who is to blame?


Good cast, but unlikable characters.

It was/is the typical crime of the week series with more effort put into the ongoing storylines than the weekly ones. And the ongoing one just emphasized how unlikable the characters were.

"I am allowed to think everyone is stupid for 10 minutes."-- Randy Susan Meyers


Well said!


I would great it had a good cast but crappy charactersl


LAST RESORT was a one-season flop, but it was more due to the absurd technical errors, plus questionable characters.

What kind of technical errors? I'm glad you asked me that question.
Would you believe a present day US warship dropping depth charges? Naw, no US ship has dropped depth charges since the Korean Conflict/War, 60+ years ago...

The bad news for the network was how it was clearly planned to be a multi-season series. The show even claimed they had a technical advisor! One has GOT to wonder if that was true, or if the show just disregarded his input.
The level of technical errors completely pushed away any navy people, and you would have hoped they would have been a prime audience.

For the network, I suppose they hoped the show would catch on, and ran the season out instead of cancelling it early like KILLER WOMEN.

I wonder if the same guys worked on KILLER WOMEN too? BTW, I think the choice of the series name was bad as well, at least a poor choice... I saw it in the TV listings and thought it was probably a women-in-prison show of some sort.


So Killer Women is canceled

Why face your future alone? Know what lies ahead of you!


The storylines were the least of it all. Sketchy one-dimensional characters, predictable predictable plots, ludicrous twists, cheesy dialogs...

I don't get it. What's the point of having a good cast to waste it on such a lousy writing? I know the only reason the pilot even got produced was that ABC had a development deal with Vergara but they couldn't make it better?

Even the concept is stupid. I already don't get whodunnits because they're so predictable, you get who the killer is 5 mn in and then you wait for the characters to sloooowly catch up. But when you de facto eliminate all male suspects from the get-go, it makes it even more predictable!

Helfer really can't catch a break since BSG. She deserves better than this crap, and the three aborted pilots who never even saw the air.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Even the concept is stupid. I already don't get whodunnits because they're so predictable, you get who the killer is 5 mn in and then you wait for the characters to sloooowly catch up. But when you de facto eliminate all male suspects from the get-go, it makes it even more predictable!

Exactly!The whole only women killers schtick totally ruined it for me


I already don't get whodunnits because they're so predictable, you get who the killer is 5 mn in and then you wait for the characters to sloooowly catch up.

The point of this type of show is to make the audience feel smarter than it is. If you are smart enough to realize that than they are pointless on that level. Some can still be enjoyed for the characters but almost never for the 'mystery.'

"That was the year of the gas leak, but I won't use that as an excuse."
