MovieChat Forums > 11.6 (2013) Discussion > A pretty good film (slight spoilers)

A pretty good film (slight spoilers)

I'm not sure why there is so much negativity in the reviews posted and reflected in the low rating of 5.8. I give the film a 7/10.

The film is based on a true story, more of which is available on the internet and here's the wiki entry - The title refers to the amount stolen by Musulin, 11.6 million Euros of which just over 9 million was recovered but Musulin, after serving time, got away with 2 million Euros.

The film gives a good sense of Musulin. He came from a migrant family and worked hard, snapping when he realised that he, like other employees, was having their wages fiddled by their company who were removing a few minutes here and there. A few minutes of Musulin's time deducted from his pay over 10 years was a lot of money. The character is portrayed as self-contained and quite dry emotionally. He has attachments but they are not the most intimate. When he decides to steal the money he tells no one. He ensures by his actions that his employer will be embarrassed publicly and adds a little sting to embarrass the police also. Basically the guy did a big *beep* you to society and was very clever in how he screwed the system.

Cluzet plays Musulin and is good as always although he is much older than his real life counterpart. He is well supported by the character actors who play Musulin's beleaguered girlfriend, Marion, and colleague, Arnaud.

The notoriety Musulin attracted was funny; a hip hop song entitled "Le Methode Musulin" from Nordine 'Sundyata' Bettayet features on the soundtrack and we see souvenirs as well, such as t-shirts with Musulin quoted as saying "I love my job"!!

So, ignore what others have written and ignore the rating, see the film and judge the film for yourself.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.


The reason for most of the negativity, is that this film does not address the real story.

The real Musilin is twenty tears younger than the character in the film, he had no failing marriage, greying hair, decade of missing minutes to revenge. All these motivations were absent in real life.

So there is a deeper mystery to this story... in the absence of the motivations the director has bolted on to make the film hang together- why did he really do it?

How did he afford the Ferrari? Where did that car go? Why build the wall and not hide the cash? Why did he take out three loans? Where is the missing money? Why only keep 2 million?

And why, after pulling it all off, did he just hand himself calmly back in? Why did he go to Monaco to do this?

This film dodges every single one of these vital questions, offers no theories at all, and lazily invents multiple cliched motivations for the robbery.

THAT is why the reviews are negative, and the rating is low. As a piece of low key well-crafted entertainment, its pretty good. But as a representation of the Musulin story, it's a disaster.


Garbage mate. Do you need to have every strand of every movie fully explained to you. This was 'based' on a true story if you understand what that means. The character here has motives shrouded in mystery as do some of his actions. Excellent.
