The best new show of the fall by far. There's rarely ever a show I laugh for a full 30 minutes straight.


Maybe you should watch more TV.


I loved this episode and I watch TV all day!

"I heard strange truck-like noises coming from the highway!"


Can anyone name one thing that was funny in this show? I'm not being sarcastic or a smart as*. Just really curious, because I thought it was really terrible. Didn't laugh once -- in fact, couldn't even tell where I was supposed to think it was funny. The lines all just fell flat, and the characters were obnoxious.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you didn't laugh you should be checked for trollitis.


The raccoon


I loved it, and will watch it again...

"Sentiment comes easy at fifty cents a word."


I liked it too, made me laugh. Will watch again. ^_^


I loved it, and will watch it again...

"Sentiment comes easy at fifty cents a word."


I have to admit the only reason I watched it was because I am a James Caan fan and I love Maggie Lawson. She is awesome in Psych so I gave the show a chance. I really enjoyed this show and I was surprised. It was different, funnier and definitely raunchier than I anticipated. my kind of humor. It will be a must watch for me.


This was a great pilot! I loved it! It was hysterical. I was laughing so hard. I'm watching this show. :)


Between this and Trophy Wife its defiantly one of the best! I don't know why the critics liked "Mom" and "The Goldburgs" so much... Neither was very funny but they got all the hype.


Loved this, Trophy Wife was ok, going to give it a few more episodes to see if it catches on, same with Mom even though it has a lot of plot holes and the Goldbergs was terrible.
