MovieChat Forums > The Strain (2014) Discussion > Season 4 Episode 1 is not promising

Season 4 Episode 1 is not promising

Will I stick it out to the end is the question


Good question. I will watch the entirety of the last season. But after tonight I will probably wait until all eps have aired rather every week


I wish 'I cold binge it and be done with it


Agreed. Aside from Zach, the other thing that irritated me about the opening is that its been 6 months since the explosion. The first three seasons took place over just under a months time. I find it hard to buy that that Fett/Setrakian let alone Quinlan (who seemed very impatient in season 2 and 3) would have spent 6 months looking for another nuke. I don't even understand why that is their plan. Everything has become annoying on this show.


I don't recall seeing Dutch ?? Did I miss her ??


No, she was in the promo for the next episode. it looks like she's still in New York with Setrakian.


I didn't see the promo - thanks
