
I was enjoying this movie up until the American Slackers had to corrupt Paul and get him high-all that to slow down production-The mgr,made it a point to recognize the fact that all parts were American made....slowly.


But it is realistic. It is common in some work environments, that a worker who is too diligent will show up the others so they make him throttle back so the others won't look bad. It is especially insidious in union shop work, there is an "understanding" that you won't be more productive than the rest of your co-workers. If someone sets a higher standard then all will be expected to meet it.

Sad but true!

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Paul was not dealing with his anger and trauma well, so that made him vulnerable to the losers at work. Like a lion, they smelled weakness, pain. Paul had a right to be angry considering everything he went through...and like many American kids who seem to have everything but in fact feel disassociated with the world around them, he acted out his anger. They need help, guidance, love and support. Not judgment.


This is a movie...the people in the movie are playing a role-It's not a documentary.
I was commenting on the film-not passing judgement on a fictional character (although based on fact)


Not so fast TXMike regarding union shops. I saw that lazy attitude in both a union setting and a non-union setting. It is poor management that lets such behavior flourish. I have a friend in a union shop that is so heavily metrics based his managers know when he goes to the bathroom.

But, yes, a diligent worker in a lot of places can be viewed as a troublemaker.
