Beautiful movie

After seeing this movie I was speechless. It was so beautiful, both visually and storywise. I strongly recommend it.


Visually it was great but the story felt a bit predictable to me.


...with an enigmatic ending shot...just...inexplicable ending. "Whaa's???" all around from me on that one. A lot of loose ends, But lovely story none the less. recommended.


To me, the ending was surprising, but not inexplicable at all. Lukasz joined the clergy to be close to Adam, who obviously declined to quit his job.

He, who doesn't learn from history, is condemned to repeat it over and over again.

Beautiful movie, anyway. Thumbs up.


Agreed. Really well done. Hope it receives the widespread viewing audience that it deserves.


What exactly is "beautiful" about it? If this film was about a rabbi or an imam buggering teenage boys, would you lavish it with similar praise?

Of course not. Because in polite Western society, it's unthinkable to denigrate Judaism or Islam. There's ample evidence of widespread sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community -- and a concentrated effort to hide it -- but we never hear anything about it, much less watch celebrated arthouse films about the "beautiful" stories of rabbis breaking their vows, breaking the trust of the community, and engaging in inappropriate sexual relationships.

But even if we put all that aside, this movie is a moving cliche. Man turns to priesthood to repress his homosexual desires...haven't heard that one before, have we?


Adam wasn't buggering teenage boys. Actually, adult Lukasz (late twentysomething) seduced Adam. And yes, I liked "Eyes Wide Open", where an orthodox Jew fell for another man, too.


I can see where you're bothered by the church setting/theme.

But this isn't a film about a priest sexually abusing boys/teens. Like the above poster mentions, Lukas is at least 19/20 years old--if not likely older (early 20's)--a somewhat stilted young man who discovers himself. And, if anything, the film shows that though the priest is *thought* to be abusing the boys under his care--we see that clearly he isn't.

It's a film about repression--and ultimately--love; and though it may not be to your taste, it *is* a beautiful film (theme-wise and visually).


The actor portraying Lukasz, Mateusz Kosciukiewicz, was born on May 1st, 1986, so he was 27 when shooting the film.


Obviously you didn't even bother watching this film before commenting. If you did you'd know that Adam, the priest in question, is absolutely not a pedophile, which is made more than clear several times during the film.

You're just using this thread to spout your anti-semitic, anti-muslim rhetoric. Yawn.


I don't think (s)he is necessarily antisemitic or anti-Muslim, but very protective or Catholicism. Though (s)he obviously hasn't seen the film.

Joseph Chastainme


Agreed. This movie is nothing but a pretentious low-quality smut film. Thoroughly disappointed with the Polish film industry.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


1. I don't get how this film is "pretentious." Can you please explain. I think you either don't understand what the word means or you are using it in a way I do not understand it. Can you please explain to me why you think the film is pretentious?

2. How many Polish films have you seen? I'm not sure you can judge the entire country's industry based on just a few films, if you've seen a great deal I apologize.

Joseph Chastainme

