
How many many people think that Kareem should been the who kicked off instead of Drake?

Had Kareem improved at all over in the four shows was on?

What does everyone think of who got kicked off the show should it have been Drake or Kareem?

I think their dives were about equal however Drake's first dive was probably better than Kareem's dive.

I do think that his form had improved but for some reason he could never stay vertical or keep his legs together I guess his height and maybe his age mad even more difficult for him really do good dive. He does have talent in diving not just for basketball for most dives everyone had only a week to learn most of the dives.


So glad Drake is still in. His dive-off dive was one of the best he has done.


Kareem really needed to be diving off the higher platforms rather than the springboards. He is so tall that there just isn't enough space for him to be doing these flips he was trying to do.

