
I just stumbled upon this show on Hulu. I am glad I did. I'm halfway through the series and came on here to see what people had to say about Louie. I am glad there aren't many mean posts about him.

I want to say that I am proud of him. How many obese people do you know who would try something so outside of their comfort zone? Personally, I am overweight and I walk around my town in the super early morning. I don't like doing it then, but I do it so I don't need to hear idiots yelling out their windows at me. It always blows my mind that I am trying to regain my health, but there are idiots looking to tear me down. I was so worried there would be people on here putting Louie down.

Louie was so brave. Sure, there are others doing more difficult dives, but for him to even try and put himself out there to be mocked is brave!


Personally, I am overweight and I walk around my town in the super early morning. I don't like doing it then, but I do it so I don't need to hear idiots yelling out their windows at me. It always blows my mind that I am trying to regain my health, but there are idiots looking to tear me down.
That's really unfortunate. Just keep in mind some people are just losers, and they get pleasure out of putting other people down. Keep doing what you're doing, and lose some weight, feel better, feel better about yourself, and just ignore the morons with nothing better to do than insult you.

As for Louie, I agree that it was brave of him to put himself so OUT THERE as he did on this show. But Nicole did, too. No, she's not morbidly obese like Louie, but she's struggled with her weight and I applaud her for doing the show, too.


