45 minutes into nycc

Not one good/interesting question yet,sad.


Not one Abbie/Nicole question,not over yet,but,if this continues,I'm done



Didn't John have some not too kind words for SH writers and the showrunner when he left? Hmmm...Someone said Neil is coming back too.


The con was boring ,the questions tedious.


Didn't look too much into but look at highlights from the day in general it looked like John Noble's return was the only real highlight of the panel.

Am curious to see how he is brought back since he was pretty definitively killed in S2. However, this is a show with magic and time travel, as well as flashbacks, so easy ways to write it in. Wonder if we are going to be getting back the Four Horsemen again and that's why his return.


If they can time travel then the can bring abbie back.



I understood what you meant,no harm,lol


Didn't John have some not too kind words for SH writers and the showrunner when he left?

He did. He said TPTB didn't seem to know, what the hell they were doing 

I think he might guest star for one episode, but I can't imagine he'd do more than that on a failing Friday show.


Didn't John have some not too kind words for SH writers and the showrunner when he left?

He obviously wants the job if he took the job, so whatever he said doesn't seem to matter anymore.


I watched the live stream and it was hands down the most boring Con event ever. The questions and answers were all so tedious and boring. Even the sizzle reel was underwhelming. The overall lack of excitement from the audience and the cast was palpable. It seems the same group of people attend these events and somehow make it to the mic to ask the same dumb questions over and over again. Geez, four seasons in and you’re still asking about Tom/Ichabod’s hair. Like, seriously?

Even the things they tried to brag about, like the new Archives, turned out to be a bust. The sizzle reel hardly showed anything spectacular or worth writing home about. The new characters are typical procedural sidekicks and Diana’s “I can’t believe this is real” schtick is not cute. We’ve been there, done that, with both Abbie and Irving.

Basically, the show will be everything we thought it would be… boring.

Oh yeah, while I am sure Jeremy Davies, the new villain is a great guy in real life, he should never ever, ever be allowed to talk at any event again. He talks really slow and sounds like he could fall asleep at any moment.



"It seems the same group of people attend these events and somehow make it to the mic to ask the same dumb questions over and over again."

Yeah,it does seem that way,maybe the know the right people,lol.
