What's was it ?? *SPOILERS*

**************************************SPOILERS AHOY***************************************************

Last shot has the monster walking off with the girl slung over his shoulder...but carrying something in his right hand.

Looked as if he was holding her head when the monster first walked into frame. But as he walks into distance it's apparent the girl's head remains upon her shoulders.

Was he carrying the head of Venkenheim ?

Also, did anyone notice the name "John Venkenheim" is more than likely a sly not to noted conspiracy writer Jonathan Vankin ??


Its the redheaded doll they find in the cabin. The girl is also a redhead so im sure thats why you got confused.


Good catch, thanks!


I thought she was dead at first, but then a worse thought occurred to me--she may have become the Bride of Frankenstein.



Well if she was dead, he wouldnt carry her off, and she would prob be broken in half so it makes sense that shes just knocked out or passed out. Hopefully she will die from exposure before he gets her back to his love cave! :P


That's the same conclusion I came to also. She's now his bride of the Creature.


It is possible she passed out or was knocked out.

BUT it is also possible he killed her. And if you've read the book, you know Frankenstein was mad about getting laid. If death is the case, it leaves me with a bit of a necrophilic sour grape in my mouth.

Either way, finally the monster gets laid.
