Why Janet King?

Having just finished Crownies, which I very much enjoyed, I was surprised to see that for the spin off show they had chosen the character of Janet King. Out of everyone on the show Janet king was by far the blandest and least compelling, her whole character arc was: Got pregnant/Had baby. Is there any reason they went with her? Is Marta Dusseldorp a big name actress in Australia? that's the only reason I can think of for having her head this show.


Crownies was an ensemble cast that seemed like it was trying to appeal to a younger audience than many shows in the genre do. I guess it wasn't as successful with that demographic as they hoped, and Janet King was a way to recover.

It's shifted the focus to the older generation of lawyers from Crownies, with some of the younger lawyers brought back as supporting cast. This is probably closer to the audience demographics the original show actually got.


I think the appeal,of APTCH with her in it as main character was also important factor..
PTCH has found success in overseas market so maybe hoping JK will as well...

"That's the beauty of argument, Joey...if you argue correctly, you are never wrong..."
