Not Jet Li's worst

The horribad Cantonese dubbing, poor mou lei tao (Hong Kong slapstick) humour, lazy acting and unimpressive action choreography made me feel like walking out of the cinema within the very first 15 minutes.

But after getting used to the dubbing and realising that the entire film may be an attempt to spoof and reference Hong Kong classics and flops, it became slightly more bearable. I had then start to wonder if all these crappy dubbing, cheesy scenes with expressionless acting, cheap CGI and camera effects are deliberate.

Unfortunately, a bold concept alone doesn't automatically make a good movie. Those who don't get it at all may still feel that they were cheated into thinking that this is a typical Jet Li action film.

Internationally, Li's image would probably be more tarnished now with his recent streak of rubbish movies. It's probably more forgivable if Badges of Fury was released for Chinese New Year, and not dubbed at all.

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this film is not a spoof. it just tries and fails on every level. ultimately its just bad
