Cyst and deceased

Oh my God can Nettie be any more stupid? It's cease and desist. I can't handle her sometimes lol


What about the DC trip? How can you NOT know that Lincoln was the 16th president during the Civil War? You learn this stuff in grade school. Their grammar is atrocious - no respect for verb conjugations, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc. Yet, I still watch.


These gypsy woman don't go past the 8th grade! They marry at 15 or 16 and then a man supports them because they won't work a job!


In the past few weeks one of these women said fighted rather than fought!


When Kayla walked into the tattoo parlor she said, "We just decided to sporadically come in here."

All of them do this, but Nettie is the worst - she always uses "is" instead of "are". Drives me CRAZY!!!

For the heck of it, go read their Facebook pages. They write like they talk - full of errors and run-on sentences. It's funny, but also sad.


Yes, but they are making lots of money from TLC!
