The Police...(spoilers)

I KNOW its a Lifetime movie but I was surprised that the police just accepted the evidence for what it was. Sure, the teacher had an alibi, no proof from the bumper but I just don't think the police dept didn't much to follow up.

It just looked as if the teacher outsmarted everyone but Jamie and her family.

**People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who really do!**



See, I didn't pay much attention to that. Yeah, maybe the dad could've worked two jobs or the dad solve the case.

All in all, this was a pretty good movie!

**People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who really do!**


Also, the police didn't even bother to do a background check in the beginning for the teacher. They might have been able to figure things out a little quicker had they checked her background the in the first place.

Not to mention, they didn't even take in fingerprints of the cell phone, not even checked the cell phone towers were the calls it out.

**People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who really do!**


I don't know what her jobs were, but I'm sure her bosses would've given her a day or 2 off since her daughter was arrested.


also, from 6 years of working in a movie theatre box office, I can tell you that EVERY ticket sold has the time of sale on it; so even though she had the ticket, it should have said that she purchased it when the movie was almost over, thus making the police suspicious.


When the detective shows up at the teacher's house, he hears her basically confess and grabs her knife-wielding hand mid-stab attempt.So then what does he do? Turns his back on her instead of apprehending her immediately and takes a knock on the noggin.

The blood on the car is in one small, contained spot, at calf-level and there's no damage from impact.


But, have no fear, the teenage girl suddenly becomes super-hero and chases the teacher outside with the cop's gun, holds her at bay until the detective regains his senses and comes to her side to take back his gun from the teenage girl!!--(who had immediately become so self-assured playing up the part of confronting the teacher with the "evidence" of her parents gaining possession of the damaged grill to force her to confess--she and her mother were quite the detective team themselves in all of this, even better than the real detectives!).

The detective looked so inept and grateful to the teenage girl for holding the teacher captive until he could get out there and take back possession of his firearm. LOL


LOL! I know! They never believed the girl but she sure as heck solved the case!


And I can tell you from 6 years of watching SVU that they would have tried to verify her alibi with more than a ticket stub. Movie theater cameras, ticket salesmen?


speaking of the bumper, there was blood on jamie's bumper, but no damage. these cops were so stupid. still a good movie, though.


I was bothered by how the blood stayed wet enough on a tissue to transfer to Jamie's car, even though the lady had to drive over to her house with it.


In no way should these movies be considered realistic!;-)


I agree. Especially when they were talking to the teacher on the couch at her home. I found it odd, she wasn't saying things like "why are you questioning me like this" "Do you think I had anything to do with this?". Instead, she was almost too cooperative, especially when she pulled out the movie stub. COME ON! That alone would tell me as a police detective that something was up.


Also, when she handed them the ticket stub, she mentioned the "time" and pointed to it. They asked her what she was doing Friday evening, but said nothing about the time he was murdered or when she needed to have an alibi for as far as a time frame. I thought it was a little too descriptive for such a vague question and they didn't even pick up on it. She basically admitted to knowing the time on the Friday evening he was murdered by knowing what time frame she needed an alibi for when she said it.
