Black roots

Why do women with dark brown or black hair think it's a good look to dye their hair blonde and let the dark roots grow out? It's a horrible look. Especially when they leave their eyebrows dark brown.


To you, it may be a horrible look! To me, I see it no different than people who dye their hair purple, green or pink.

Emily looked really cute throughout this movie as she played the tough woman role who was desperately trying to hide her inner child.

What I find worse than hair coloring is having older actors try to play younger roles or two actors who clash on screen especially in romantic roles. I realize they try to use the fame of the older actors to draw in the viewers. You talk about a bad dye job...


Purple, green or pink at least can be unusual and artistic.

Bleached blonde blah, however, especially with roots showing, looks like some 98-cent ditz too lazy to even do the roots properly. Not a classy look at all.

Not to mention bleached blonde is WAY overused, and definitely overrated.

I'd go for a purple-haired gal any day, btw 

[i]You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright[/I


Personally, i feel that if it is not a real hair color, it doesn't belong on the head. And have dye jobs done professionally, you can always tell when a person has a bad dye job. Like makeup, make it look like you are not wearing any. Dye jobs should look natural. I didn't think Emily Rose looked bad, blonde though.


This bugs me too because I find it to be distracting. If your going to color your hair, keep up your roots. Especially if you are on TV.


Emily Rose had a baby this past spring. It's possible this was shot when she was in early pregnancy when hair bleach is discouraged.

On Haven, which shoots in the late spring and early summer (so before she was pregnant and then after she had her baby) she did not have roots.


Emily just found out she was pregnant at the start of filming this movie. She stated that she had to keep it a secret from the cast and crew (I don't know why).

I think on Haven they used a lot of wigs for her different characters and her natural hair color for Audrey so no roots.

What I don't get is people complaining about the entertainment world doing this? I mean in real life we see people (men and women) who have had dye jobs that roots aren't colored or eyebrows are dyed the same. Mary Ross (Emily's role) is a successful attorney so it shouldn't surprise us that she has her hair dyed to any color she wanted and, that over time, that dye job fades showing the roots. I don't think the producers, director or the makeup people were trying to make her look like a natural blonde at all but a woman who was a tough attorney. IMO, they succeeded because she maintained a tough attitude almost the entire movie and the hair tone sold it.


People who complain are negative unhappy people ! I call them republicans !



OMG!!! It drives me nuts when I discuss a movie with a woman and she talks about dark roots and what about that horrible sweater?!! Give us all a break will you?


Many people have black roots. Maybe I do as well. When the slaves came over on the Mayflower in the early 1900's it created more of a dichotomy in society. We all know how that turned out. Yeah, BLACK ROOTS.


