Location, locatio, location

This was supposed to take place in Plymouth, MA where, at Thanksgiving where it's cold and snowy. The characters were all running around like it was summer.


That's what I don't like about the tv Xmas movies; they are always in California where there is no snow. I think they are better when the location is snowy and actually has a Xmas feel and look.


I have been to Plymouth many times and around Thanksgiving its coat and boot weather NOT Simi Valley weather. Funny the movie starts with over view of Plymouth with all the fall foliage yet the movie does not have one tree changing colors. What a rip Hallmark shame on you?


They would probably need heavier coats here at Thanksgiving (I live in Plymouth County, 15 mins from Plymouth), though we usually don't get much snow before Thanksgiving. All the leaves on the trees are a little surprising, they're almost all down now and we're weeks away from Thanksgiving! Did anyone notice after she spoke at the high school, as she was backing out of the parking lot, there was a sign that said "Louisville" behind her?



Yes, there were crickets loudly chirping during the outdoor night scenes! and forsythia wrapped around the swing. What goes through the heads of the people who make these movies? Otherwise, it is a mildly entertaining show.


Grew up more or less in Los Angeles area so always recognize these fake locations when they are used.

First, the large Craftsmen bungalows that populate the better areas that were built in the '20s are a dead giveaway. California! Hello!?

If the LA house styles are not obvious, then the foliage is. The foliage usually gives them away in these fake location films that use California.

Do they have eucalyptus trees in front yards in Plymouth? NO? Really?

Forgive them though for the light weight clothing. Even the clothes they wore, which would be okay maybe for early October in Plymouth (not Thanksgiving), were probably already horrible to wear in Simi Valley.

It was probably 102 degrees when they were filming, if it was summer and outdoors.

Oh well, guess budgets are what they are.

Guess this film couldn't even spring for the cost of Canada, the usual venue. The farthest they could get is 75 miles up the road.

Enjoyed it though.


I live in Northwest Connecticut, where it was cold and blustery this past Thanksgiving. So, that--plus the fact the fated couple didn't even have misty breath (let alone, dress more warmly)--proves that happy ending outdoor scene was filmed in southern California!


It is not always cold and snowy at Thanksgiving time; sometimes it is sunny and almost 60 degrees, as it is today?


It would be more accurate to say VERY rarely.
