The ending

Never read the novel so don't know the original ending but I don't care. This ending was ludicrous.I watched it late last night and can not even remember what happened to his Mother and Sister. As for Messala and Ben Hur reuniting, that was ridiculous. It was a very Oprah Winfrey sensibility in that one must make peace with their enemy to get on with your life. Did they actually have the Oprah Winfrey show back then. Just asking.


The ending of the movie encapsulate the theme of the movie. That is why Jesus is central to the plot. They all learn forgiveness and reconciliation.


I know exactly what you mean . Just a little to on point for me. But knowing who the producers were ,I'm not surprised.


Judah's mother and sister became lepers. Jesus healed them.

Novel Judah never forgave Messala, writing off his crippled arse after the race. The 1959 version Judah tried to forgive Messala before he died of his injuries, but the hateful Roman gave him a major F- U before expiring.


The final lines of the 1959 version:

“Almost at the moment He died, I heard Him say, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' And I felt His voice take the sword out of my hand."

The Force Awakens - The Last Jedi - From His Nap
