Favorite Revenge Slasher?

In keeping with the subject of the film, what is your favorite 80's revenge slasher?

A shrine to 80s slashers: http://www.slasherstudios.com/


I think I'm going to have to say Terror Train!

One issue about many revenge slashers is that since the killer is out to get these people, they usually do something wrong and are a lot of times unlikable. Slaughter High is a good example. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE the film :D It's fun frakkin' times, but I didn't really care much for the characters.

Terror Train has the revenge thing going on, but it also has a great heroine in Jamie Lee Curtis and some fun and likable characters. I also like how the heroine feels regret over what they did in the past.

"You forgot the first rule about remakes; don't Fck with the original."
~Sidney, SCREAM 4


Completely agree. You have to have some emotion for the characters in order for a revenge slasher to work. If you hate all the characters, who really cares who lives and who dies? As for a movie like Slaughter High...it is dumb, cheesy, and over-the-top but it works because it is fun as hell. The rare slasher in which an unlikable cast doesn't interfere with the movie...at least TOO much.

A shrine to 80s slashers: http://www.slasherstudios.com/


Gonna go with Happy Birthday to Me. Characters are all fun and I love the twist at the end. For the record my fav revenge movie is The Crow


You can never go wrong with the Happy Birthday to Me ending!

A shrine to 80s slashers: http://www.slasherstudios.com/


The House on Sorority Row is another great one :D Plus it stars the fabulous and underrated Kate McNeil!

"You forgot the first rule about remakes; don't Fck with the original."
~Sidney, SCREAM 4


Very true! McNeil is fantastic and a very underrated scream queen.

A shrine to 80s slashers: http://www.slasherstudios.com/


The Burning, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have to cite Terror Train and Slaughter High as close seconds.


I adore all three and The Burning might just be my favorite slasher of all time.

A shrine to 80s slashers: http://www.slasherstudios.com/
