Welcoming Black Butler

Recently we've all heard the formal announcements - a live-action Black Butler coming in Summer of 2013. Yana Tobosa reportedly accepted the offer to write the script, but consented only after Mizushima Hiro agreed to play Sebastian. Thanking Toboso Yana for inventing the world of Kuroshi Tsuji and anticipating the return of Sebastian. I won't repeat rumors about plot, for that is not my domain.


Here's hoping the show gets subtitled and released in the States fairly quickly. A dub would be nice as well, but not nearly as effective as subtitles for live action.
I forsee this being the first live-action show on Funimation.


So, I guess Ciel will be a girl in the movie ? Never read the manga, but absolutely love the series. Ciel as a girl is already ruining it for me...


Same here. I was wondering if it was an error.

Just seen the trailer and Mey-Rin looks epic badass tho'!!


Actually, my daughter and I were talking about this very subject last night, another possibility on having a girl as Ciel is to follow that tendency in manga characters where u can't always tell what their genre is. Take Grendell for instance.


There's a difference in not being certain what the character's sex is. We know Ciel is a boy. Changing the sex completely changes the relationship between the characters. At least for me. I think it's a mistake. What's next? making her a WASP-ish blonde?



I hear ya. I did some digging around and (sorry, you might have read this already) it turns out that it's not Ciel. It's set in a more modern time, concerning a Phantomhive descendant, she happens to be a girl. Apparently she's aware of the stigma behind being a female head of a prestigious family, so she decides to dress up as a boy. I think the Sebastian still plays himself...Knowing this, personally, I'm not really giving it much though now. I might catch it if it's on netflix or something...I am looking forward to the 3rd season, looks like they're going into production this summer. Also, not sure if you're a fan, but looking forward for the Attack On Titan live action. (Hope they don't ruin that one too)


From reading the credits the last name has been shortened from Phantomhive to Phantom.



I agree 100%, I was looking forward to this but the second it started with no Ciel (!!), it stopped being *beep* That was a very fundamental change which ruined it & took away from the anime/manga. So no Ciel. No gothic 19th century setting. And no Grell!

...& it's not as if there aren't a million feminine looking japanese guys that would've made a great Ciel. Though in defense, Mizushima did make a decent Sebastion...


It did get better near the end. (Mey)Rin going all River Tam was great. And Sebastian's scenes at the end was dreamy.

They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and cover


I don't why they always feel the need to change things. You liked the source material enough to make the movie yet you have to change it? Why?

Its like whenever they make a Steven King book into a movie, they always change things for no apparent reason and they're never as good.
