For better or Worse?

I definitely think this one was better than the last 2 films. Just because Brianna is a better lead than the previous four. I have to say that this has so lost the spirit of Step-Up. And I know the dancing is important. Though they're throwing so much of it in the movie. It's becoming like transformers, where they don't edit it down properly and it's hard to focus on just one thing. Step-Up was a good movie. Then Streets came along and it was bridging the serious nature into this music video movie. Now they don't even bother with writing a good story. They should bring back Fletcher to direct. She could bring it back to it's roots.


Yea I like Briana Evigan.

Stupid people do exist and they mainly live on the imdb boards!


Step Up and Step Up 2 were the best of a bad lot. SU3D just about redeemed itself thanks to a really charming cast of dancers and cool choreography. But these last two...yeesh...

I used to compare the franchise to Saw (how many of those have been made?!), but you're right. It's more like Transformers.

Stop! Manners time.
