MovieChat Forums > Boulevard (2015) Discussion > Does this film even look good?

Does this film even look good?

Seriously guys, I'm not sure what to think here.


The answer to that is subjective...but I think it looks great. Then again, i'm a huge fan of dark drama.


Dark drama???

Don't blow off the question with some comment about subjectivity. What looks good about it?


I don't think it looks amazing or anything, but I once had a story idea taken from real life and it was going to be about a happily married closeted homosexual who decides to come out years later and how it affects the children. A close friend growing up had that exact thing happen to him and the age at which his father came out and what I can only assume were doubts about his own sexuality, made for a very intense few months (the time it took for him to process and accept his father's choices). I knew it had great dramatic potential- knowing the man I knew as his father before coming out and the inner turmoil he must have suffered, the weird encounter I had one day when I went over to his house and walked in on what I wasn't sure I had seen until everything fell into place, the anger and rage of the younger teen sister, the poor mom who was like a mother to me and how it must have been such an ego blow...

Having several more exciting projects to work on, I always kept that project on the back burner because it never fully clicked, but that might be because I was approaching it from the point of view of the son, not the father.


That's about the most unique perspective on this film that I can imagine. I don't think it looks amazing either.


That's about the most unique perspective on this film that I can imagine.

That's because you can't think for yourself. Lewmming that you are.


Once again... do you know the whole Lemming thing is a myth? Research it yourself if you doubt me, but it's a fallacy. Lemmings don't blindly follow each other to their deaths, so that expression means sweet FA.


Whether it's myth or not, the term still refers to someone being a follower, which that person is.


Whoa what? Who said anything about following? I asked what the general consensus is. How does that imply that I don't have my own perspective on this movie? Oh, you're one of those stubborn commenters.


Um, you said yourself that you're not sure what to think.


That does not in anyway mean that I want your opinion to form my own.


no, when people correct the errors we make, that allows us to advance as a species. To continue to perpetuate a misconception... well, that's just plain stupidity.

Unless you don't care, in which case you are simply being the exact thing you are claiming another to be: a blind follower.


Don't blow off the question with some comment about subjectivity. What looks good about it?

Why are you put out about someone discussing subjectivity? All films are "liked" or "disliked" on a great degree of subjectivity.

Subjectively, the topic looks interesting to me. A person living a passionless life that is suddenly awakened to new possibilities.

Subjectively, I suspect the acting will be good between, at the very least, Robin Williams, Kathy Baker and Bob Odenkirk. Subjectively, I enjoy all three actors. I've never seen Roberto Aguire in anything before, so I'll reserve opinion on him.

Subjectively, I am hit or miss on the director. I liked "A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints" but could have done without "Fighting" and "The Son of No One."

Objectively, I've read nothing but solid reviews for this movie but those were undoubtedly based on subjective opinions.

On the whole, I think this movie will be good. Probably won't win an Oscar but will be a nice solid piece of craftsmanship.


Dark drama???

A drama that is dark. How does that apparently confuse you?

Don't blow off the question with some comment about subjectivity. What looks good about it?

You say in your OP that "you're not sure what to think." I have to ask, WHY are you unsure what to think and asking what others think before apparently making up your OWN mind about the film?

NO one can tell you what to think about the film. My subjective opinion will most likely be different from yours, so subjectivity is very important in regard to your question..

It seems your looking for others to tell you what films are good to see and are apparently unable to form an opinion yourself.

Why not look at the trailer and ask YOURSELF "does this look good?" because that's all that really matters. How YOU feel about it.

No offense, but I think you must be very young to ask such an immature question.


You're the most annoying internet person I've ever communicated with.

Everything you said about opinions is so totally *beep* false. I don't even know what to say other than *beep* you.

You covered up your need to explain yourself by saying opinions are subjective. It's about the laziest approach you could have made to my post. I'm asking if people think this looks good or if they're all just beating off about it being Robin William's last movie. The trailer seems very disjointed. The presentation feels trite.

What the *beep* is dark drama, and why are you labeling this film as such? Stop being so *beep* lazy and stop turning this *beep* on me with the most annoying trivial conversation points. OMFG SUBJECTIVITY


Come back to IMDB after you finish puberty. Bye.


Boulevard isn't "dark," so much as quietly intense, a tribute to director Montiel and everyone else involved that they are able to maintain the momentum and dramatic interest within a subtle emotional range. (Although when emotions do run high in the film, it has remarkable impact. Kathy Baker's performance will knock you out.) In an age when Marvel dominates the box office, Boulevard will undoubtedly be too low-key for many mainstream movie-goers; but for those who want to see a film about extraordinary humans who lack the ability to fly or change shape, Boulevard is a very rewarding and moving experience. Furthermore, those who have a few decades, a few dilemmas, and a few dreams "under their belts" will DEFINITELY connect with Boulevard.



It is indeed a rather underwhelming film, perhaps one that would have had more power a decade or two ago, but now just feels a bit incomplete. I've always much preferred Robin Williams in dramatic roles over comedic ones, and he's decent here, though he had very little to work with. 7/10 stars from me.
