his suicide

ive only seen the trailer but i wonder if robin williams killed himself having relised he was trapped like the guy he played in this film. i dont man that he was a closet gay, i mean that there is a line in the trailer where he says "its never too late to start living the life you should lead" or words to that effect. having played the part i wonder if he realised that he would never be able to do that, that he was living a life of a slave, paying off ex wives to the tune of millions each year, and therefore having to work for pay checks rather than artistic satisfaction, just to make ends meet to pay them off. perhaps he saw that there would never be an end to it, that he would never be free of them, and what was the point of going on. anyway, just a thought.


Can't imagine it wasn't a contributing factor.


I don't think he killed himself, but that evil skank of a wife did him in.


I don't think he killed himself, but that evil skank of a wife did him in.

Yeah, his wife somehow managed to give him lifelong chronic depression and a whopping dose of Lewy Body dementia. She's quite the magician!


9/11 was an inside job too...



You should have stopped at

I don't think
and that'd be 100% accurate.


His suicide was an act of desperation. He'd managed to cope with depression most of his life. Reports were that he had plans and projects in the works. There were good things happening in his life -- and of course, he adored his children.

But there were bad things happening in his head. Given the information we have now especially the information about the Lewy Body Dementia -- it looks like he just snapped. They'd recently changed his medication. Even without the LBD, deep depression coupled with the wrong meds can send you over the edge.

You will probably disagree. That's the nature of discussions -- they have two sides.



Woah, why the hostility? Did Destinata injure you personally?


I don't see anything in what she wrote that deserves such vitriol. Are you going to get angry at everyone who speculates what he was thinking and why he did what he did? Because, there are a lot of us here, and it's going to take a long time to deal with all of us.


I have him on ignore, so the only person he's hurting is himself. It makes a person miserable to spew "vitriol," and he has a habit of it.

He's off my radar screen, which makes stalking trolls harmless. Don't let him bug you -- put him on ignore where he belongs. Then he just disappears into a fog! I know he's desperate enough to stalk me, but I don't have to see what he posts. No vitriol. No hate-spewing. All is calm, all is bright.

Try it!

You will probably disagree. That's the nature of discussions -- they have two sides.




I find your posts repulsive, vicious, angry, arrogant and hateful. For you to respond to rather innocent posts in such a vicious manner is poison on these discussion boards. Consider this a notice that I have flagged your comments to the administrators of these boards as I feel your "hate speech" is repugnant and toxic.

You needn't bother to respond to this post (as I know you will), because I have put you on "ignore" as well.

I hope you find a remedy for your hatred.

Have a nice day.


Cookiegiggles is a butthurt fangirl. He/She obviously doesn't know Robin Williams and is only pretending to so they can look "cool" I imagine. Nobody who worked or works in that industry would risk talking like this on a message board as it could cost them their career(IMDB isn't as anonymous as you might think). Again just another troll pretending to know Robin Williams because he made them feel good in movies. It's sad really.

Troyaltrollwalker(Darth Spino)


Agreed, Destinata, plus he'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's, iirc, on top of years of serious drug abuse. Given all that plus his strong impulsive quality, I can easily imagine his last thoughts being on the line of "going out on his own terms, as crappy as that was, rather than watching his own body, and likely mind also disintegrate.


That explains the RV


Very good, insightful and thought provoking.


his movies were getting darker and darker that's for sure, lol.


You write that as if Robin Williams wrote all the scripts, directed, and produced all the movies he starred in. That isn't the case and there is no correlation.

There's a reason the job description is called "acting".


In fairness, that does actually make a lot of sense. I have also only seen the trailer but will be viewing the film tonight. I will have a slightly different perspective whilst watching it now I must admit.

