8 episodes?

My husband says there are only going to be 8 episodes. Is that true? A little less than I expected, but I also think that you should tell your story and be done with it. Anime (Japanese cartoons) is like that, tell your story in as many episodes as you need and then end it. What I would like somebody to do is take the 5-volume series "Children of the Promise" and do episodes of that until you have told the whole story. It's definitely going to be longer than "Band of Brothers" but it's a WWII drama, too.


Well, the promos on Sunday said the next episode will be the Season Finale, but not the series finale. I assumed that meant that if these 8 episodes are profitable enough, they will make another season next year. I suppose we will find out.


Many British TV series last 6 to 12 Episodes. This format lets British actors appear in several series or make movies without being tied to a TV series for 23 to 24 episodes like most American TV series.
