One nagging detail.

The New York Postcard. One half was sent to Frank Quincy with a meeting place (which he never made bc of the accident), and Scottie was revealed to have the other half, along with the files on Project Madman.

When confronting the doc, Timmy lays out Franks' half of the postcard, saying "somebody wanted to talk to the LT. Any idea who that was Scottie?" and Scottie declines to elaborate on it. It is never spoken of again.

So, what happened here? Frank didn't seem to know Whitterson was the bad guy until he got to the woods. So he couldn't have sent the CIA anything. And it seems odd that the CIA would request a meeting with Frank out of nowhere, and mail it to a boarding house that no one knew he was staying at. If they did know, then someone's watching him. If someone's watching him, then that someone could have told him instead of mailing it from NY.

Then again, who knows what Ashmeade wants. Guess we'll never know without a season 4
