What an arse *spoilers*

So Superman saves the Kandorians but just drops them off on some desolate wasteland of a planet with a red sun? What an ass. Not only do they not have their powers, but now they're living in a wasteland.

Why not let them come to Earth? Selfishness? Hell he could have dropped them off on the moon, at least they'd have their powers there.

He specifically picked a planet with a red sun, what was the point of that? Just to be a dick?


If he dropped them somewhere on Earth or a star system with a yellow sun then there would be many Kryptonians who would possess same powers as him and probably smarter since there might be scientists in the city. To Supes that would be unacceptable. He will cease to become earth's paradigm if there are supermen and superwomen just flying around. Simply put he won't be special anymore. You will lose the awe factor but hey that's just me. There are other comic fans who could give you better reasons.


I agree.


You gotta remember Superman doesn't know these people. What if he found a place on Earth for them then a bunch of them turned out to be bad people and tried to use their powers to take over the world? Then all the death and destruction they caused would be his fault plus the hassle of having to deal with them on his own (or with the Justice League and/or whoever else to help him). Much safer to keep them mortal and powerless then maybe later revisit the notion of bringing some of them to Earth or somewhere else once he knows them better.



Stillvendetta azurefoxhound and dwtaxi are completely wrong. It wasn't ego or dupes being a jerk. The other poster was right. Its a matter of Clark not wanting to risk granting nearly God like powers to possible threats


don't u remember how smallville last season ended? :P

Most people call me a pessimist, I prefer to be called a realist.


Yeah, just drop a city of 100,000 aliens of the earth and allow them all to have superpowers. Like no one on earth would be worried by losing land they already own.

Superman and Kara both hate their powers, but they have no choice but to use them for good. Well, Kara just wants to hurt people with her powers. No one would understand how to use the powers andd be afraid. Maybe even abuse their powers like Zod did.

He dropped them on a planet most like Krypton, so they would feel at home. A yellow star planet would most likely have life on it. Putting a city of aliens on it would cause hostilities.

-Join us-


Yeah, if anything he was just restoring their world to normal - red sun included. That's likely what most of those people want, to feel like they're at home again.

But as far as a city of 10,000 having superpowers, that's something that is addressed in the New Krypton saga and may well be the next animated feature. Maybe they'll go there.

You call Clark before you dial 911? What's he gonna do, dismantle the bomb with his great hair?


Earth is not his planet to give, period. Also, he is not Santa or a politician or a god. He saves the day and restores as much back to normal as he can. In this case it is freeing the city in an environment as close to the one that was stolen... his job is done. He is no arse or jerk; if he stated granting wishes and designing the universe to his will, well then you would be right. Thank God he is not.

• I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman •


He would've been an arse to the Earthlings if he let all those Kryptonians live there.
